
The journey towards your new home starts here, where every need matters. It's not just about the type of property, you want to buy; it's about shaping your legacy. No detail is too small if it contributes to your vision. The journey towards your new home starts here, where every need matters. It's not just about the type of property, you want to buy; it's about shaping your legacy. No detail is too small if it contributes to your vision.

An experienced professional

London’s Charm

London’s charm emanates from its rich history, vibrant culture, and diverse neighbourhoods, making it one of the world’s most captivating cities to call home, fostering a sense of connection to the global community. This dynamic backdrop fuels a residential property market that is exceptionally diverse and competitive. Buying a property in such an international landscape is a significant financial decision. With my expertise and practical approach, I provide effective guidance, safeguarding your investment every step of the way.

London’s Charm
An Experienced Professional

How I work

Initial brief

I start with an initial meeting to understand your goals and requirements, which will help me tailor my services to your needs. During our conversation, you will receive a comprehensive overview of the market conditions and the areas that align with your budget. We will also go through all the information you might need. At the end of our exchange, you will get a clear understanding of my analytical and meticulous approach.

Shortlisting properties

A significant benefit of hiring a property consultant who works on your behalf is saving money, effort, and time. I preview properties and ensure they meet all your requirements before introducing them to you, narrowing down options so you only spend time viewing properties with genuine potential. You will still receive a spreadsheet of all properties considered so that you will always have appropriate comparables.

Every detail is fundamental

My approach emphasises the importance of thoroughness, efficiency and honesty in the property search process. By leveraging my contacts, expertise, and negotiation skills, I can identify prime properties before they hit the open market. My strategy aims to optimise the property search process and ensure you have access to the best available opportunities.

Viewings together

Arranging relevant viewings and studying comparables is crucial to an efficient property search. Factors like the condition of the properties, potential for renovation, and any hidden costs must also be considered. Researching the neighbourhood’s development plans, property market trends, and potential resale value can also provide valuable insights for making an informed decision.

The conveyancing process

Once you find your ideal property and your offer is accepted, the conveyancing process begins. I will remain available to your solicitors and all professionals involved in the transaction to ensure that the purchase proceeds smoothly and the closing takes place without complications or delays.


  • Why engage a Property Consultant | Buying Agent?

    In every property transaction, two primary parties are involved: the buyer and the seller, each with distinct goals and obligations. The seller’s aim is to secure the best possible terms for their property, while the buyer is focused on finding a property that meets their needs and offers solid value for their investment. It’s essential for both parties to have their own professionals representing their interests. As a buyer, you need a property consultant with proven expertise in the specific field and area where you’re looking to invest. You likely already have a clear vision of your goals, but having a dedicated professional by your side ensures that your interests are fully represented. This level of expertise helps you navigate the complexities of the property market with confidence, ensuring that you make informed decisions with the right guidance.

  • What is the role of an Estate Agent in the UK?

    In the UK, Estate Agents exclusively represent the sellers’ interests. They list and market properties on behalf of sellers, handle inquiries from potential buyers, called ‘applicants’, arrange viewings, and negotiate offers. Their primary goal is to sell properties for the highest possible price and under the best terms for their clients, the sellers, with whom they enter a contract. The seller is the only party from whom an Estate Agent will receive the commission for their service.


  • What is the role of a Property Consultant | Buying Agent in the UK?

    Property Consultants|Buying Agents represent the buyers’ interests exclusively. They work on behalf of buyers to find suitable properties, negotiate terms, and ensure the best possible deal for their clients. They focus on helping buyers navigate the purchasing process and achieve their goals, entering contracts with them and acting in their best interests to pay the least amount of money possible and purchase the best property available on, or, off the market. The buyer is the only entity from which Property Consultants|Buying Agents receive a commission.

“Daniela's advice regarding the purchase of our property in London was certainly decisive. For a few years, we had tried to approach the London property market without the right method. Her ability to evaluate and select the relevant opportunities, along with her perseverance, led us to make a prudent and satisfying choice that was different from our initial idea, in a good way. In a few words, Daniela was a reassuring and constant presence, necessary to face such an important property investment.”
